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photo coming soon -  chalkboard with outlined text - on wood.jpg

To Be Available in hardcover,
paperback, and eBook! 

One Little Squiggle




When you look at this picture, what do you see?






One little squiggle? What else could it be?



With its catchy, rhyming text, beautiful illustrations, and uplifting message about the incredible power of the human imagination, One Little Squiggle is sure to inspire artists of all ages to give squiggle doodles a try. Go on- get creative!   



Recommended Ages: 4-8

Extra Squiggle Page Blank.png
Coming in 2025!!!

Publishing Update: 

One Little Squiggle




The manuscript is complete! After spending a year writing and revising One Little Squiggle, I have officially finalized the manuscript! All in all, it took about fifteen drafts of self-editing, two rounds of professional editing, and a few minor tweaks after-the-fact, but it's finally done and ready for illustration- whoopee! (Writing is hard! 😅)


An illustrator has been hired, and the rough sketches are underway! In early May, I signed a contract, hiring a new illustrator for this book. To meet her and check out samples of her amazing artwork, read my Illustrator Spotlight blog hereHopefully, I'll have some rough sketches to share with you before the end of the summer, so stay tuned!


On that note...




Would YOU like to help me illustrate this book? In addition to the professional illustrations, I've reserved several places throughout the book to include squiggle art made by everyday people. So, if you (or someone you know) likes to draw and would like a chance to have your art featured in a real children's book, please turn the squiggle below into anything you like. (You can try as many times as you want!)


If you like what you draw, fill out your contact information and either email or mail your squiggle art to me by September 30, 2024. Instructions for creating and submitting your squiggle art are provided on the sheet below, and ANYONE is welcome to submit squiggle art for consideration! Go on- get creative! Let's see what you can make! 😋



Squiggle Art Instructions & Drawing Space + Contact Info for General Public.png
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